
Cycling Courses

Whether you re a wobbler, a rusty rider or a regular commuter, BikeWise cycling courses progress you towards feeling calm and competent on the bike and on the road.

Course Details

CYCLINGCOURSES MAINCityCycling cycling courses

Cycling In The City

Hit the fast forward to skills and confidence in city traffic. City Cycling takes place on street, in real life traffic scenarios meaning you become an effective cyclist fast.
We are currently the provider for all of City of Sydney s Cycling in the City courses.

We’ll Teach You:

Ideal For:

Duration: An easy 4.5hours (with breaks)s.
Price: Please enquire & we can develop to your requirements.
Course Size: Up to 10.

Rusty Riders

Want to begin riding again but the thought of getting on a bike fills you with nerves?

This is the perfect course for wobblers. Designed for those who know how to ride but need better bike handling skills before contemplating a ride on the road.

CyclingCourses MAINRustyRiders 1 cycling courses
RUSTYRIDERS cycling courses

We’ll Teach You:

Ideal For:

Duration:An easy 4 hours (with lots of breaks) You re free to leave when you want.
Price: Please enquire & we can develop to your requirements.
Course Size: Up to 10.